BUNDY E-COMMERCE™ for Business-to-Business
Empower Your Salespeople
Feedback from salespeople shows that Bundy Ecommerce has become an essential tool to drive their sales. It makes it easy to field questions and assist their customers in ordering if they choose to call.
Don't Lose Sales
Make it easy for your customers to do business with you! If you are a manufacturer or distributor selling your products to other businesses and you are not selling online, you are losing sales! With Bundy E-commerce, you can offer a better customer experience than your competition.
Any Screen - Anytime - Anywhere
Large, small, portrait, landscape. You cannot control how your user decides to view your website. That's why it's imperative that your website be "responsive". That is, it must dynamically display in a readable and useable fashion, no matter from what device your audience is viewing it.
Accurate Information - Now
The top three pieces of data your customers must have are product description, availability, and most importantly, price. These must be accurate and current. Bundy E-commerce can synchronize with the data in your order process system, often referred to as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Easy to Manage
Bundy E-commerce includes an Administrator Portal where your designated persons can manage users, customer accounts, manufacturers, pricing, product categories, discount parameters, etc.. The portal is also where you'll process orders and manage your products using our powerful product information management (PIM) system.
Your Products - Easy to Find
Configure your own category list allowing your customers to move through from broader categories to more refined categories, finding what they need in just a few clicks. Or they can use the text search to find products by part number, description, or other keywords.
Drastically Reduced Phone Time
When your customers have access to your website, they no longer need to call or email you to get product information and pricing. They can easily go online to get this data and order what they need, saving time for them and you alike.
Multi-Language Public Interface
Bundy E-commerce provides a language dashboard where translations are managed. Your customers can easily switch, on-the-fly, between any languages you have configured. There is no limit to the number of languages you can add.
Download our FREE "14 Benefits of B2B E-commerce" EBook Now!

Don't think of it as just a website...
Bundy E-commerce is
Your Best Sales Toolkit